The Files component is an abstraction of persistent queues with a default implementation using AWS SQS. This also provides a much simplified API while making the underlying implementation swappable.
This component is currently stable. Following limitations, current work, planned features apply.
Feature | Status | Description |
**Meta** | Upcoming | Ability to easily default / inject meta data for every entry. |
**URI** | Upcoming | Ability to use Slate Kit Uri for explicit references to file paths |
**Errors** | Upcoming | Ability to use a dead-letter queue for failed items. |
**Batch** | Upcoming | Ability to perform batch insert operations |
repositories {
// other repositories
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
// other dependencies ...
compile 'com.slatekit:slatekit-cloud:1.0.0'
Jar | |
Package | |
Sources | slatekit-cloud |
Example | Example_Cloud_Queues.kt |
Requires | See build.gradle for more info. |
Refer to Example_Cloud_Queues.kt for all imports.
// Required
import slatekit.core.queues.QueueEntry
import slatekit.core.queues.QueueStringConverter
// Optional ( For examples)
import com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfileCredentialsProvider
import com.amazonaws.regions.Regions
// This converts the queue entry payload to a type
// 1. This can be String converter for any payload ( e.g. JSON )
// 2. You can create a custom type for type safety
val converter = QueueStringConverter()
// Not storing any key/secret in source code for security purposes
// Setup 1: Use the default aws config file in "~/.aws/credentials and supply AWS region
val queue1 = SQS<String>(credentials = ProfileCredentialsProvider().credentials,
region = Regions.US_EAST_1, name = "slatekit", converter = converter)
// Setup 2: Allow auto-loading of credentials from ~/.aws/credentials and region by string name supplied
val queue2 = SQS.of<String>(region = "us-east-1", name = "slatekit", converter = converter)
// Setup 3: Use the config at "~/myapp/conf/queue.conf"
// Reads from the section "queues" by default
* queues = true
* queues.key = AWS_KEY_HERE
* queues.pass = AWS_PASSWORD_HERE
* queues.env = dev
* queues.tag = samples
val queue3 = SQS.of<String>( region = "us-east-1", name = "slatekit", converter = converter,
confPath = "~/myapp/conf/queue.conf", confSection = "queues")
val queue = queue3.getOrElse { queue1 }
// Use case 1: init()
// 1. All operations use the slate kit Result<T,E> type
// 2. All operations return a slate kit Try<T> = Result<T, Exception>
// Use case 2: send 1 message ( get back message id as String )
queue.send("item 1")
// Use case 3: send multiple messages
queue.send("item 2")
// Use case 4: send message with tags
queue.send("user=kishore", tagName = "type", tagValue = "reg")
// Use case 5: receive 1 message
val item1 =
// Use case 6: recieve 2 messages
val items =
// Use case 7: delete a message
// Use case 8: delete many
// Use case 9: abandon a message
// Use case 10: get count ( approximation )
val count = queue.count()