Hello World


Slate Kit comes with a command line project generation tool which is available below. You can create a new app quickly using the commands below.


You can easily install the Slate Kit CLI to create projects, using HomeBrew on Mac OS

    brew tap slatekit/slatekit

    # Note: install may take a long time ( see notes/issues below )
    brew install slatekit

Hello World

You can create your first app by running the command below which will create a new console application with support for command line args, environments, confs, logging, help usage and more. This is just 1 type of project you can create.

    :> slatekit new app -name="Sample1" -packageName="mycompany.apps"
    :> cd MyApp1
    :> gradle build
    :> gradle run


You can create several different project types using the generator, these include CLIs, APIs, Jobs, and more to come.

    slatekit new app -name="MyApp1" -packageName="company1.apps"
    slatekit new api -name="MyAPI1" -packageName="company1.apis"
    slatekit new cli -name="MyCLI1" -packageName="company1.apps"
    slatekit new job -name="MyJob1" -packageName="company1.jobs"
    slatekit new env -name="MyApp2" -packageName="company1.apps"