

summary Thin wrapper on java properties based config with decryption support, uri loading, and mapping of database connections and api keys
jar kiit.common.jar
package kiit.common.conf
artifact dev.kiit:kiit-common
sources src/common/common/src/main/kotlin/kiit/common/conf
example src/lib/kotlin/slate-examples/src/main/kotlin/slatekit/examples/Example_Config.kt
dependency kiit-results


Use the following settings in gradle for installing this component.

    buildscript {
        // Kotlin version currently being used
        ext.kotlin_version = '1.8.22'

        // Reference version 
        ext.kiit_version = '3.1.0'

        // ...

    repositories {
        // Currently stored in Git Hub Packages.
        maven {
            url "https://maven.pkg.github.com/slatekit/kiit"
            credentials {
                username = System.getenv('GIT_PACKAGES_INSTALL_ACTOR')
                password = System.getenv('GIT_PACKAGES_INSTALL_TOKEN')

        // ...

    dependencies {
        // Other dependencies ...
        implementation "dev.kiit:kiit-common:$kiit_version"


 // required 
 import kiit.common.conf.*
 // optional 




        // CASE 1: Load up config from resources directory
        val conf = Config.of("env.dev.conf")

        // CASE 2: Get typed value: non-nullable
        // NOTE: default value for typed returned if unavailable
        println("bool  : " + conf.getBool("bVal"))
        println("string: " + conf.getString("sVal"))
        println("short : " + conf.getShort("hVal"))
        println("int   : " + conf.getInt("iVal"))
        println("long  : " + conf.getLong("lVal"))
        println("float : " + conf.getFloat("fVal"))
        println("double: " + conf.getDouble("dVal"))

        // CASE 3: Get typed value: nullable e.g. Int?
        println("bool  : " + conf.getBoolOrNull("bVal"))
        println("string: " + conf.getStringOrNull("sVal"))
        println("short : " + conf.getShortOrNull("hVal"))
        println("int   : " + conf.getIntOrNull("iVal"))
        println("long  : " + conf.getLongOrNull("lVal"))
        println("float : " + conf.getFloatOrNull("fVal"))
        println("double: " + conf.getDoubleOrNull("dVal"))

        // CASE 4: Get typed value: with default value if unavailable.
        println("bool  : " + conf.getBoolOrElse("bVal", false))
        println("string: " + conf.getStringOrElse("sVal", "abc"))
        println("short : " + conf.getShortOrElse("hVal", 0))
        println("int   : " + conf.getIntOrElse("iVal", 0))
        println("long  : " + conf.getLongOrElse("lVal", 0))
        println("float : " + conf.getFloatOrElse("fVal", 0.0f))
        println("double: " + conf.getDoubleOrElse("dVal", 0.0))

        // CASE 5: Get lists/maps
        println("list  : " + conf.getList("listValInt", Int::class.java))
        println("map   : " + conf.getMap("mapValInt", String::class.java, Int::class.java))

        // More features such as decryption, file refs and more.
        // ...

        // CASE 6: Get the environment selection ( env, dev, qa ) from conf or default
        val env = conf.env()
        println("${env.name}, ${env.mode.name}, ${env.key}")

        // CASE 7: Inherit config from another config in resources folder
        // e.g. env.dev.conf ( dev environment ) can inherit from env.conf ( common )
        val confs1 = ConfFuncs.loadWithFallbackConfig("env.dev.conf", "env.conf")
        val dbConInherited = confs1.dbCon()
        printDbCon("db con - inherited : ", dbConInherited)

        // CASE 8: Get overriden inherited config settings
        // e.g. env.loc.conf ( local environment ) overrides settings inherited from env.conf
        val confs2 = ConfFuncs.loadWithFallbackConfig("env.loc.conf", "env.conf")
        val dbConOverride = confs2.dbCon()
        printDbCon("db con - override : ", dbConOverride)

        // CASE 9: Multiple db settings, get 1 using a prefix
        // e.g. env.qa.conf ( qa environment ) with 2 db settings get one with "qa2" prefix.
        val confs3 = ConfFuncs.loadWithFallbackConfig("env.qa1.conf", "env.conf")
        val dbConMulti = confs3.dbCon("qa1")
        printDbCon("db con - multiple : ", dbConMulti)

        // CASE 6: File from user directory:
        // You can refer to a file path using a uri syntax:
        // SYNTAX:
        // - "jars://"  refer to resources directory in the jar.
        // - "user://"  refer to user.home directory.
        // - "file://"  refer to an explicit path to the file
        // - "file://"  refer to a relative path to the file from working directory

        // EXAMPLES:
        // - jar://env.qa.conf
        // - user://slatekit/conf/env.qa.conf
        // - file://c:/slatekit/system/slate.shell/conf/env.qa.conf
        // - file://./conf/env.qa.conf
        // CONFIG
        // db {
        //   location: "user://slatekit/conf/db.conf"
        // }
        val confs4 = ConfFuncs.loadWithFallbackConfig("env.pro.conf", "env.conf")
        val dbConFile = confs4.dbCon(prefix = "db")
        printDbCon("db con - file ref: ", dbConFile)

        // CASE 10: Decryp encrypted strings in the config file
        // e.g.
        // db.user = "@{decrypt('8r4AbhQyvlzSeWnKsamowA')}"
        val encryptor = Encryptor("wejklhviuxywehjk", "3214maslkdf03292", B64Java8)
        val confs5 = ConfFuncs.loadWithFallbackConfig("env.qa1.conf", "env.conf", enc = encryptor)
        println("db user decrypted : " + confs5.getString("db.user"))
        println("db pswd decrypted : " + confs5.getString("db.pswd"))


   env.api: lc1
    db.enabled: true

    lc1, dev, dev : lc1

    db con - inherited :
    driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    url   : jdbc:mysql://localhost/db1
    user  : root
    pswd  : 123456789

    db con - override :
    driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    url   : jdbc:mysql://localhost/db1
    user  : root
    pswd  : 123456789

    db con - multiple :
    driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    url   : jdbc:mysql://localhost/db1
    user  : root
    pswd  : 123456789

    db con - file ref:
    driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    url   : jdbc:mysql://localhost/test1
    user  : root
    pswd  : t$123456789

    db user decrypted : root
    db pswd decrypted : 123456789