

summary DataTime wrapper around Java 8 LocalDateTime providing a simplified interface, some convenience, extra features.
jar kiit.common.jar
pacakge kiit.common
artifact dev.kiit:kiit-common
sources src/common/common/src/main/kotlin/kiit/common
example src/lib/kotlin/slate-examples/src/main/kotlin/slatekit/examples/Example_DateTime.kt
dependency kiit-results


Use the following settings in gradle for installing this component.

    buildscript {
        // Kotlin version currently being used
        ext.kotlin_version = '1.8.22'

        // Reference version 
        ext.kiit_version = '3.1.0'

        // ...

    repositories {
        // Currently stored in Git Hub Packages.
        maven {
            url "https://maven.pkg.github.com/slatekit/kiit"
            credentials {
                username = System.getenv('GIT_PACKAGES_INSTALL_ACTOR')
                password = System.getenv('GIT_PACKAGES_INSTALL_TOKEN')

        // ...

    dependencies {
        // Other dependencies ...
        implementation "dev.kiit:kiit-common:$kiit_version"


 // required 
 import kiit.common.DateTime
 import kiit.common.DateTimes
 // optional 
 import kiit.common.ext.*




    // NOTE:
    // When working with new Java 8 Date/Time, which is a significant
    // improvement over the older mutable Java Date/Time models,
    // there is still some "cognitive overhead" ( IMHO ) in mentally
    // managing the different LocalDateTime, ZonedDateTime and conversion
    // to and from local/zoned functionality
    // DESIGN:
    // This DateTime is a unified DateTime for both LocalDateTime and ZonedDateime
    // that wraps uses a ZonedDateTime internally ( defaulted to local timezone )
    // and is used for representing a DateTime for either Local and/or other Zones.
    // This makes the Java 8 datetime/zones a bit simpler & concise while
    // essentially adding syntactic sugar using Kotlin operators and extension methods
    // This does NOT change the functionality of the Java 8 classes at all.
    // It is simply "syntactic sugar" for using the classes.

    // Case 1. Get datetime now, either locally, at utc and other zones
    // These will return a DateTime that wraps a ZonedDateTime.
    println( DateTime.now() )
    println( DateTimes.nowUtc() )
    println( DateTimes.nowAt("America/New_York"))
    println( DateTimes.nowAt("Europe/Athens"))
    println( DateTimes.nowAt(ZoneId.of("Europe/Athens")))

    // Case 2: Build datetime explicitly
    println( DateTimes.of(2017, 7, 10))
    println( DateTimes.of(2017, 7, 10, 11, 30, 0))
    println( DateTimes.of(2017, 7, 10, 11, 30, 0, 0))
    println( DateTime.of(2017, 7, 10, 11, 30, 0, 0, ZoneId.of("America/New_York")))

    // Case 3. Get datetime fields
    val dt = DateTime.now()
    println( "year  : " + dt.year      )
    println( "month : " + dt.month     )
    println( "day   : " + dt.dayOfMonth)
    println( "hour  : " + dt.hour      )
    println( "mins  : " + dt.minute    )
    println( "secs  : " + dt.second    )
    println( "nano  : " + dt.nano      )
    println( "zone  : " + dt.zone.id )

    // Case 4: Conversion from now( local ) to utc, specific zone,
    // LocalDate, LocalTime, and LocalDateTime
    val now      = DateTime.now()
    println( now.date()  )
    println( now.time()  )
    println( now.local() )
    println( now.atUtc() )
    println( now.atUtcLocal() )
    println( now.atZone("Europe/Athens") )

    // Case 5: Idiomatic use of Kotlin operators and extension methods
    // This uses the extensions from slatekit.common.ext.IntExtensions
    val later = DateTime.now() + 3.minutes
    println(    DateTime.now() + 3.days            )
    println(    DateTime.now() - 3.minutes         )
    println(    DateTime.now() - 3.months          )

    // Case 6. Add time ( just like Java 8 )
    val dt1 = DateTime.now()
    println( dt1.plusYears  (1).toString() )
    println( dt1.plusMonths (1).toString() )
    println( dt1.plusDays   (1).toString() )
    println( dt1.plusHours  (1).toString() )
    println( dt1.plusMinutes(1).toString() )
    println( dt1.plusSeconds(1).toString() )

    // Case 7. Compare
    println( dt1 >   dt1.plusYears  (1) )
    println( dt1 >=  dt1.plusMonths (1) )
    println( dt1 >=  dt1.plusDays   (1) )
    println( dt1 <   dt1.plusHours  (1) )
    println( dt1 <=  dt1.plusMinutes(1) )
    println( dt1 <=  dt1.plusSeconds(1) )

    // Case 8. Get duration (hours,mins,seconds) or period(days,months,years)
    println( dt1.plusSeconds(2).durationFrom( dt1 ) )
    println( dt1.plusMinutes(2).durationFrom( dt1 ) )
    println( dt1.plusHours(2).durationFrom( dt1 ) )
    println( dt1.plusDays(2).periodFrom( dt1 ) )
    println( dt1.plusMonths(2).periodFrom( dt1 ) )
    println( dt1.plusYears(2).periodFrom( dt1 ) )