// required
import slatekit.apis.Api
import slatekit.apis.Action
import slatekit.common.Field
import slatekit.common.conf.Config
import slatekit.meta.Reflector
// optional
import slatekit.cmds.Command
import slatekit.cmds.CommandRequest
import slatekit.results.Try
import slatekit.results.Success
import slatekit.examples.common.User
import slatekit.examples.common.UserApi
import slatekit.integration.common.AppEntContext
val ctx = AppEntContext.sample(Config(), "sample", "sample", "", "")
val api = UserApi(ctx)
// CASE 1: Create instance of a class ( will pick a 0 parameter constructor )
val user = Reflector.create<User>(User::class)
println("user: " + user)
// CASE 2: Get a field value
val user2 = user.copy(email = "johndoe@home.com")
val name = Reflector.getFieldValue(user2, "email")
println("email : " + name)
// CASE 3: Set a field value
Reflector.setFieldValue(user, User::email, "johndoe@work.com")
println("email : " + user.email)
// CASE 4: Call a method with parameters
val result = Reflector.callMethod(UserApi::class, api, "create", arrayOf("superman@metro.com", "super", "man", true, 35))
println((result as User ).toString())
// CASE 5: Get a class level annotation
// NOTE: The annotation must be created with all parameters ( not named parameters )
val annoCls = Reflector.getAnnotationForClass<Api>(UserApi::class, Api::class)
// CASE 6: Get a method level annotations
// NOTE: The annotation must be created with all parameters
val annoMems = Reflector.getAnnotatedMembers<Action>(UserApi::class, Action::class)
// CASE 7: Get a field level annotations
// NOTE: The annotation must be created with all parameters
val annoFlds = Reflector.getAnnotatedProps<Field>(User::class, Field::class)
// CASE 8: print parameters
val method = Reflector.getMethod(UserApi::class, "activate")
// CASE 10: Get method
val sym = Reflector.getMethod(UserApi::class, "info")
// CASE 11: Get method parameters
val symArgs = Reflector.getMethodArgs(UserApi::class, "activate")
// CASE 12: Is argument a basic type
val argType = symArgs!!.toList()[0]
// CASE 13: Create instance from parameter
val argInstance = Reflector.create<Any>(symArgs!!.toList()[0].javaClass.kotlin)