

summary A micro template system for processing text with variables, useful for generating dynamic emails/messages.
jar kiit.common.jar
package kiit.common.templates
artifact dev.kiit:kiit-common
sources src/lib/kotlin/slatekit-common/src/main/kotlin/slatekit/common/templates
example src/lib/kotlin/slate-examples/src/main/kotlin/slatekit/examples/Example_Templates.kt
dependency kiit-results


Use the following settings in gradle for installing this component.

    buildscript {
        // Kotlin version currently being used
        ext.kotlin_version = '1.8.22'

        // Reference version 
        ext.kiit_version = '3.1.0'

        // ...

    repositories {
        // Currently stored in Git Hub Packages.
        maven {
            url "https://maven.pkg.github.com/slatekit/kiit"
            credentials {
                username = System.getenv('GIT_PACKAGES_INSTALL_ACTOR')
                password = System.getenv('GIT_PACKAGES_INSTALL_TOKEN')

        // ...

    dependencies {
        // Other dependencies ...
        implementation "dev.kiit:kiit-common:$kiit_version"


// required 
import kiit.common.templates.Template
import kiit.common.templates.TemplateConstants
import kiit.common.templates.TemplatePart
import kiit.common.templates.Templates

// optional 
import kiit.common.utils.Random
import kiit.results.Try
import kiit.results.getOrElse


    // Setup the templates with list of predefined(named) templates and
    // also a list of handlers to process named variables in the templates.
    // NOTE: The Templates.apply method ( used here ) processes/parses the templates
    // first so they don't have to be processed on demand.
    // You can also use the Templates constructor directly.
    val templates = Templates.build(
      templates = listOf(
        Template("showWelcome", "Hi @{user.api}, Welcome to @{company.api}."),
        Template("confirm", "Your confirmation code for @{app.api} is @{code}.")
      subs = listOf(
        Pair("user.home"    , { s -> "c:/users/johndoe"                } ),
        Pair("company.api" , { s -> "CodeHelix"                       } ),
        Pair("company.dir"  , { s -> "@{user.home}/@{company.id}"      } ),
        Pair("company.confs", { s -> "@{user.home}/@{company.id}/confs"} ),
        Pair("app.api"     , { s -> "slatekit.sampleapp"              } ),
        Pair("app.dir"      , { s -> "@{company.dir}/@{app.id}"        } ),
        Pair("app.confs"    , { s -> "@{app.dir}/confs"                } ),
        Pair("user.api"    , { s -> "john.doe"                        } ),
        Pair("code"         , { s -> Random.alpha6()                   } )


    // Case 1: Parse text and get the result as individual parts
    val result = templates.parse("Hi @{user.api}, Welcome to @{company.api}.")
    println("Case 1: Parse into individual parts")
    print(result.getOrElse { listOf() })

    // Case 2: Parse text into a template
    val template = templates.parseTemplate("showWelcome", "Hi @{user.api}, Welcome to @{company.api}.")
    println("Case 2: Parse into a Template containing the parts")

    // Case 3: Resolve ( process ) the template on demand using the initial variables
    val text3 = templates.resolve("Hi @{user.api}, Welcome to @{company.api}.")
    println("Case 3: Resolve template with variables into a Option[String]")

    // Case 4: Resolve ( process ) the template on demand using custom variables
    val text4 = templates.resolve("Hi @{user.api}, Welcome to @{company.api}.",
      Templates.subs (
          Pair("company.api" , { s -> "Gotham"  }),
          Pair("user.api"    , { s -> "batman"  })
    println("Case 4: Resolve template with custom variables")

    // Case 5: Resolve ( process ) saved template using the initial variables
    val text5 = templates.resolveTemplate("showWelcome")
    println("Case 5: Resolve named template")

    // Case 6: Resolve ( process ) saved template using custom variables
    val text6 = templates.resolveTemplate("showWelcome", Templates.subs (
        Pair("company.api" , { s -> "Gotham"  } ),
        Pair("user.api"    , { s -> "batman"  } )
    println("Case 6: Resolve named template with custom variables")



  Case 1: Parse into individual parts
  type: txt, pos : 0, len : 3, text: Hi
  type: sub, pos : 5, len : 14, var: user.api
  type: txt, pos : 15, len : 13, text: , Welcome to
  type: sub, pos : 30, len : 42, var: company.api
  type: txt, pos : 43, len : 1, text: .

  Case 2: Parse into a Template containing the parts
  api : welcome, content : Hi @{user.api}, Welcome to @{company.api}., group : None, path : None, parsed : true, valid : true, status : None
  type: txt, pos : 0, len : 3, text: Hi
  type: sub, pos : 5, len : 14, var: user.api
  type: txt, pos : 15, len : 13, text: , Welcome to
  type: sub, pos : 30, len : 42, var: company.api
  type: txt, pos : 43, len : 1, text: .

  Case 3: Resolve template with variables into a Option[String]
  Some(Hi john.doe, Welcome to CodeHelix.)

  Case 4: Resolve template with custom variables
  Some(Hi batman, Welcome to Gotham.)

  Case 5: Resolve named template
  Some(Hi john.doe, Welcome to CodeHelix.)

  Case 6: Resolve named template with custom variables
  Some(Hi batman, Welcome to Gotham.)