The Slate App is a base application and template to build console, batch, cli and server applications.
It has pre-built support for common features such as command line args, environment selection, configs per environment, logging, life-cycle events, help text, diagnostics and much more.
This is accomplished by integrating some of the components and utilities available in the
Common project.
You can create a app quickly using the Kiit command line executable with the following inputs.
Also refer to the Example_App.kt.
kiit new app -name="SampleApp" -package="mycompany.apps"
A high-level diagram of the concepts in this component
We often have to create a new application which requires typically much boiler-plate code. These include environments, config files, argument parsing, logging setup, and application life-cycle events. This component quickly gets a new application set up with all these features ready.
Goal | Description |
1. Template | Provide template for any application ( Console, Batch, CLI, Server ) |
2. Features | Provide pre-built support commandline args, config, logging, and more. |
3. Standardized | Provide standardized setup, functionality and diagnostics |
This component is currently stable and there is a project generator for it.
Feature | Status | Description |
Docker | Future | Support for generating Docker images |
Use the following settings in gradle for installing this component.
buildscript {
// Kotlin version currently being used
ext.kotlin_version = '1.8.22'
// Reference version
ext.kiit_version = '3.1.0'
// ...
repositories {
// Currently stored in Git Hub Packages.
maven {
url ""
credentials {
username = System.getenv('GIT_PACKAGES_INSTALL_ACTOR')
password = System.getenv('GIT_PACKAGES_INSTALL_TOKEN')
// ...
dependencies {
// Other dependencies ...
implementation "dev.kiit:kiit-app:$kiit_version"
Jar | |
Package | |
Sources | slatekit-app |
Example | Example_App.kt |
Requires | See build.gradle for more info. |
You can generate a sample app using the slatekit executable. Also refer to the Example_App.kt
:> slatekit new app -name="MyApp1" -packageName="company1.myapp1"
Concept | Description |
1. Life-cycle | The app component is a base class, with support for life-cycle events ( init, exec, done ) |
2. Envs | Environment selection ( local, dev, qa, stg, prod, etc ) is available with integration with respective config files. |
3. Overrides | Support for overriding some settings on the command line with what is set up in the configuration file(s) |
4. Context | Container for services and items such as selected environment ( local, dev, etc ), config, logger, encryptor. |
5. Help | Support for app information, version, and command line args, is made available through config files and/or code |
Name | Description | More |
Args | Command line arguments ( -env=dev ) | more |
Envs | Environment selection ( dev | qat | stg | pro ) | more |
Logs | Logging and error handling ( console / file logger ) | more |
Conf | Config settings ( env.conf, env.local.conf, env.qat.conf ) | more |
Context | Application context ( for env, logs, configs, etc ) | more |
Cycle | Life-Cycle events ( init, exec, done ) | more |
Help | Help support for command line args ( help | version ) | more |
Info | Startup info and diagnostics | more |
Security | Setting up a secure application | more |
Command line arguments are parsed and supplied to your app. You can specify what the arguments are supported by specifying the schema. This leverages the Args component.
// Example of supplying arguments.
myapp -env=dev -log.level=info -region=ny
// setup the command line arguments.
// NOTE:
// 1. These values can can be setup in the env.conf file
// 2. If supplied on command line, they override the values in .conf file
// 3. If any of these are required and not supplied, then an error is display and program exists
// 4. Help text can be easily built from this schema.
val schema = ArgsSchema()
.text("","env", "the environment to run in", false, "dev", "dev", "dev1|qa1|stg1|pro")
.text("","region", "the region linked to app", false, "us", "us", "us|europe|india|*")
.text("","log.level", "the log level for logging", false, "info", "info", "debug|info|warn|error")
Default environments and configs per environment are setup for applications and associated together. Refer to example app and or a generated application for more info. This leverages the Envs and Config components
Env | Name | Mode | Conf |
Shared conf for all envs | - | - | resources/env.conf |
Development ( local ) | loc | Dev | resources/env.local.conf |
Development ( Shared ) | dev | Dev | resources/ |
Quality Assurance | qat | Qat | resources/env.qat.conf |
Staging | stg | Uat | resources/env.uat.conf |
Production | pro | Pro | resources/ |
Logback logging is setup for the application in /resources/logback.xml This leverages the Logs component.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<logger name="app" level="info" additivity="false">
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
<appender-ref ref="FILE" />
<appender-ref ref="LOGGLY-ASYNC" />
<root level="debug">
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
<appender-ref ref="FILE" />
Configuration settings are supported via normal Java Properties files stored in the resources folder. Configuration settings existing based on the names of the environments setup ( see above ). This leverages the Config component.
This is the common config file inherited by all other configs. You can specify the environment to load by setting env = name
# environment selection
# this can be overriden on the commandline via -env=qa
env = loc
You have config files per environment. You can override settings in the environment specific config.
# environment selection
# this can be overriden on the commandline via -env=qa
env = loc
The application supports typing -version, -about and -help after your apps executable/jar. This will display info about the app and usage of command line args. This leverages the Args component.
myapp -help
area : Department 1
name : Sample App
desc : Sample console application to show the base application features
url :
contact :
version : 1.0.0
tags : slate,shell,cli
examples : sampleapp -env=dev -log.level=debug -region='ny' -enc=false
-env : the environment to run in
! required [String] e.g. dev
-log : the log level for logging
? optional [String] e.g. info
-enc : whether encryption is on
? optional [String] e.g. false
-region : the region linked to app
? optional [String] e.g. us
The is an application context that stores all relevant info about the application such as the command line args, config, logs, encryptor, info about the app and more. You have access to this with in your app. This can be either built up automatically by the application or you can supply it explicitly. This leverages the Context component. Here is an example of an explictly built context.
// Build explicitly
val ctx1 = AppEntContext(
arg = Args.default(),
env = Env("dev", EnvMode.Dev, "ny", "dev environment"),
cfg = Config(),
logs = LogsDefault,
ent = Entities({ con -> Db(con) }),
sys =,
build = Build.empty,
start = StartInfo.none,
app = About(
area = "department1",
name = "sample-app-1",
desc = "Sample application 1",
company = "Company 1",
region = "New York",
url = "",
contact = "",
version = "1.0.1",
tags = "sample app slatekit",
examples = ""
The application support 3 life-cycle events, init, exec, and done. You can use these template methods to insert your pre execution, execution, and post execution logic.
import slatekit.results.Success
import slatekit.results.Try
import slatekit.common.CommonContext
class SlateKit(ctx: CommonContext) : App<CommonContext>(ctx) {
override suspend fun init(): Try<Boolean> {
return super.init()
override suspend fun exec(): Try<Any> {
return Success(true)
override suspend fun end(): Try<Boolean> {
return super.end()
The component can print diagnostic info during the start and end of your application life-cycle. This leverages the all the existing Args, Env, Config components list earlier.
Info : app executing now
Info : app completed
Info : app shutting down
Info : ===============================================================
Info : SUMMARY :
Info : ===============================================================
Info : area = Samples
Info : name = App1
Info : desc = Sample to show the base application
Info : version = 1.0.0
Info : tags = sample
Info : contact =
Info : url =
Info : args = -region=usa
Info : env = dev
Info : config = env.conf
Info : log = local:dev
Info : started = 2017-07-11T11:54:13.132-04:00[America/New_York]
Info : ended = 2017-07-11T11:54:18.408-04:00[America/New_York]
Info : duration = PT5.276S
Info : status = ended
Info : = KRPC1
Info : host.ip =
Info : host.origin = mac
Info : host.version = 10.0
Info : = kotlin
Info : lang.version = 1.8.0_91
Info : lang.vendor = Oracle Corporation
Info : = local
Info : App1 = extra summary data1
Info : App1 = extra summary data2
Info : ===============================================================
Sensitive configuration settings can be secured by encrypting the settings, or loading them from environment variables. Check the Config component for more info.